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Franke Judith Philippa     Logo


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Vortrags- / Präsentationstitel PAC - Performing arts in contexts [attending]
wissenschaftliche/künstlerische Veranstaltung The aim of PAC is to form an international network of teachers, researchers and artists in the field of higher education and to develop a permanent conference for the performing arts in contexts. Focus of PAC are the fields of applied theatre, theatre pedagogy, performing arts, theatre in social fields, community theatre, theatre in education, artmediation, drama teaching and related subjects. The network facilitates dialogue between different working principles, objectives and self-understandings. PAC provides a framework in which interests can be articulated and working groups can be formed and established.
Veranstaltungs-Typus wissenschaftliche/ künstlerische Veranstaltung (science to science / art to art)
Vortrags-/Präsentations-Typus Vortrag oder Präsentation science to science / art to art
Ort des Vortrags / der Präsentation Inland: Salzburg / online
Datumsangabe von 08.05.2021 bis 08.05.2021
  • 901000 Darstellende Kunst

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